“Made in China”: A Glimpse of Chinese Economy

Econ Blog Post 1 “Made in China”: A Glimpse of Chinese Economy Yongxin Shi, Period 1 After viewing the documentary, “The New Rules of the Game,” in class, I pondered on free-trade policies and free-market capitalism which started to develop throughout the world at the beginning of the 1990s. As a Chinese national, however, I grew up in a world where the government intervened and controlled the market and explicitly planned and managed the economy. In contrast to American capitalist market economy, the Chinese socialist market economy—although China no longer remained as pure socialist—collected the private property freedom under the control of the state. To me, this seemed like there was not much of economic freedom in the country I lived for thirteen years and its idea was the exact opposite to the concept of a free market, which I learned here in the United States. Would this prevent the economic growth of China since there may be less competition that was being en...