Minimum Wage is on the Up. Should we be Happy or Worried?

Image result for minimum wage       At the moment, minimum wage is higher than it's ever been before. Even then, many politicians, generally democrats, are lobbying for federal minimum wage to be increased further to $15. The "Fight for 15" is extremely divisive dependent on geographical location. This is due to the myriad of factors that impacts the success of having such a high or low minimum wage. In Seattle, they increased the minimum wage from $9.47 to $11 in 2015. Researchers found that this caused insignificant effects on employment. However, when they further increased the minimum wage from $11 to $13 in 2016, it ended up hurting employment. In such a specific location like Seattle, it is unclear what the ideal minimum wage is. From there, how can we have a federal minimum wage that applies to all states. For example, In Alabama, the median hourly wage is only $15.77. Having a federal minimum wage of 1$5 would make it the 95th percentile of its current level. This would turn the job market on its head and result in a massive loss of jobs. Of the price of workers is too much to compensate for in sales, employers will simply hire less labor, which is the worst outcome of them all.

        In the end we have to consider that, "that the cost of living in Selma, Alabama is very different than New York City." For this reason, I think would should be slightly worried about an federal increase in minimum wage.



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