The Opportunity Cost of Writing this at the Very Last Second

It is currently the morning of April 26th, the day the blog posts are due in class. I have completed 7 of the required 8 blog posts, with the 8th being this one right here. I wanted to explore the opportunity cost of writing this blog post at the very last second. Was the procrastination worth it?

If not now, when could the blog have been completed? I think back to last week when I came home from school and took a 4-hour nap instead of doing any work. Had I been more on top of things, I could have easily written a blog post and a multitude of comments that afternoon. Instead, I chose to enjoy, might I say, a thoroughly wonderful nap. Conversely, I am currently using my last “late start” of the week to munch on cereal while writing this last blog post. I would’ve liked to use this morning to do something of my choosing like, go to the gym or play some video games. Instead, because I chose not to write the post last week, I’m forced to write it now. It’s difficult to quantify which situation I would’ve ideally chosen, forfeiting my naptime a week ago, or spending my Friday morning on Blogger. Given that I value my mornings greater than my afternoons, I’ll assign the time I am spending now as more valuable than that fateful afternoon last week.

I also have to examine any externalities of choosing to write this blog post so late. Given that most people are done with their comments quota at this point in time, a negative externality would be that I am unlikely to have many comments on the post. People commenting “Wow, great post Kabir!” would’ve been a huge boost to my ego, so missing out on that is disastrous. Additionally, had I not finished writing in a timely manner, I run the risk of completing the assignment late, another negative externality. The only positive I can see is that I managed to get a fun blog post out of it!

After analyzing the opportunity cost of writing this post at the last second, I will make sure that I do all my assignments in a timely manner next year in high school. Oh, wait.


  1. This is probably one of the most relatable posts I have read so far. This brought me back to the past weeks where I asked myself if I had any homework to do and I didn't consider blog posts and instead played video games. I think it's very interesting how you valued everything since they don't have any inherent values. Personally I would have thought it was worth it to write the blog post in the morning and take the nap instead. I value naps over mornings any day.

  2. Wow, great post Kabir!


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